ADHD Coaching Programs for Parents

Coaching Programs for parents of kids and teens with ADHD

Parenting ADHD Teens

The Raising Independent ADHD Teens is my comprehensive group parenting program that helps parents of neurodivergent teens learn how to raise confident and independent adolescents.

The key benefits of the Raising Independent ADHD Teens program include:

  • Learning effective strategies focused on communication

  • Understanding why teens with ADHD experience difficult emotions

  • Developing practical skills to support your ADHD teen’s independence

  • Learn strategies for helping your teen succeed in school and homework

  • Gaining a deeper understanding of ADHD and its impact as your child enters the teenage years

  • Feeling empowered and confident in your parenting abilities.

With this program, you will have the tools and knowledge to help your neurodivergent teen thrive and reach their full potential.

Plus, this program includes a course specifically designed to help your ADHD teen!

Parenting ADHD Kids

My group coaching program for parents of kids with ADHD is an excellent opportunity for parents to develop a deeper understanding of their child's ADHD and learn effective strategies to improve their relationship.

Here are some of the key benefits of the program:

  • Learn practical techniques to reduce meltdowns and improve communication with your ADHD child.

  • Discover how to stay calm and centered in challenging situations, which can help you avoid feeling overwhelmed or frustrated.

  • Develop a deeper understanding of your child's needs and how to support them in a way that works for both of you.

  • Get support and guidance from a community of like-minded parents who are going through similar experiences.

  • Improve your own confidence and self-esteem as a parent, which can have a positive impact on your entire family.

  • Enjoy a more harmonious relationship with your ADHD child and create a more peaceful home environment.

Gain the skills and knowledge you need to build a stronger connection with your child and support them in reaching their full potential.

Each year, Dr. Carrie offers live coaching programs for parents and caregivers of kids and teens diagnosed with ADHD.

Hi, I'm Dr. Carrie!

I help parents rebuild their relationships with their kids and teens with ADHD using evidence-based tips so that they can stop being overwhelmed, and become the parent they always wanted to be.

I became a parent coach because I saw too many programs that didn’t give practical tips, had coaches with no training, and were only catered towards neurotypical parents.

As someone with ADHD, I know how important it is to have a coach that understands what you, your child, and your family are going through.

Be ready to feel confident in how to parent your ADHD teen

Parenting a Teen with ADHD is hard

As your children enter their teenage years, the pressures on them often rise and become more difficult to handle.

A heavier workload, more classes, hormonal changes, and peer pressure can make it difficult for teens with ADHD to keep up with these demands.

Furthermore, many teenagers want more independence and autonomy, which often conflicts with how they struggle to fulfill tasks related to homework and cleanliness.

Some challenges for parents and caregivers of tweens (10-12) and teens (13+) with ADHD

There’s not enough for parents of ADHD teens

It's no secret that the majority of parenting tools available online are geared toward parents of younger children.

This leaves parents of ADHD kids wondering how they might support their teen.

It’s overwhelming to know what to do

As an already busy parent, sifting through online information can be challenging and time consuming.

And it's difficult to know how to apply the resources to YOUR household.

But it doesn't have to be so difficult...

We really benefited from the supportive atmosphere and listening to other parenting experiences.

For the first time in a long time, we felt like we could relate to the stories being shared and the parenting challenges being discussed.


Build a dream relationship with your ADHD child that doesn’t involve yelling

Are you an ADHD parent who...

Is overwhelmed?

Your child's big emotions are like a rollercoaster you can't figure out

Feels lost?

You don't know what to do or say in the heat of an emotional reaction

Tried everything?

You've listened to all the other parenting podcasts, pages, and courses

Yet the resources you've tried don't fit your neurodivergent family.

After an ADHD diagnosis, you aren't told how to best support your family.

Here's the truth: It's not that the information isn't there. There's too much information for overwhelmed parents based on neurotypical families.

What if you could…

Be less reactive

Manage your reactions in front of your child by regulating yourself

Feel more confident

Know exactly what to say when big reactions happen

Model calm

Show your child how to manage impulses by being a calm model

With the right support, and a community of parents, it is possible!

I'm really happy we joined and attended this support group as it has been a huge helpful impact on our family. We learned tools to implement in daily life, really delving into why behaviors happen.

For us, changing a lot of our own behavior as parents, our response/ consequences to meltdowns have been a huge positive change for our family.

The tailored and specific help from Dr. Carrie was a huge benefit. It was also empowering to hear other families share. Relating to them in dealing with difficult behavior made me feel like we weren't alone in finding support.

- Danielle

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