Supporting Self-Esteem in ADHD Kids

Self-esteem is a critical aspect of a child's emotional well-being and development. It encompasses the way children perceive themselves and their abilities.

While self-esteem can be influenced by various factors, it's particularly important to understand its relationship with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

In this blog post, we will share why self-esteem can be lower in kids with ADHD, supported by research findings that shed light on this connection.

Why Kids With ADHD May Have Lower Self-Esteem:

  • More negative feedback: Kids with ADHD may receive more negative feedback than their peers when offered corrections on their behavior

  • Comparison: Kids with ADHD may also compare themselves more to their peers and struggle with when they perceive themselves as different.

  • Challenges of ADHD: Kids with ADHD may internalize the challenges they experience with ADHD as being because of who they are, rather than because of their ADHD.

Children with ADHD may experience lower self-esteem, and at the same time, they may also experience academic and social challenges which can exacerbate these feelings of low self-esteem.

How to Build Self-Esteem in Kids with ADHD:

1. Treatment:

-Kids who receive treatment for their ADHD (pharmacological and non-pharmacological) have higher self-esteem than those without ADHD.

-If you need support with finding a therapist, check out this blog post.

2. Emphasize Strengths:

-Encourage children to focus on their strengths and unique abilities.

-Highlight their accomplishments, no matter how small, to build confidence.

3. Positive Reinforcement:

-Provide positive feedback and praise for their efforts and achievements.

-Positive reinforcement can help counterbalance the negative feedback they might receive.

4. Supportive Environment:

-Create an understanding and supportive environment at home and in school.

-Children with ADHD thrive when they feel accepted and loved.

5. Self-Esteem Boosting Activities:

-Children with ADHD thrive with mastery activities.

-These are activities that are challenging but not too challenging. This fosters both a sense of growth and challenge, boosting self-esteem.

It’s SO important to find ways to support children and their self-esteem, especially when they have ADHD.

If you find these tips helpful, let me know by sending me a DM or email.


Dr. Carrie


The Way You Communicate About Homework Matters


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